drum-tec Improvement Inlay für ATV xD-K10
- Spezialschaumstoff: Wir haben für dich das optimale Inlay für Schallabsorption, Spielgefühl und Haltbarkeit entwickelt!
- Schallschutz: Reduziere die Lautstärke deiner Bass Drum und steigere dein Wohlbefinden
- Verbessertes Spielgefühl: Hebe das Spielgefühl deiner xD-K10 auf das nächste Level
- Einfacher Einbau: Schneller Austausch in 4 einfachen Schritten (ohne Spezialwerkzeug)
So baust du dein Improvement Inlay ein:
- Lockere die Schrauben (dafür brauchst du lediglich deinen Stimmschlüssel) und entferne den Ring, sowie das Mesh Head
- Löse die Halteplatte mit den Schlitzschrauben und entnehme die komplette Einheit
- Lege das neue Inlay hinein
- Platziere das Mesh Head und den Ring wieder auf deiner Bass Drum und ziehe die Schrauben fest
It works
I've been having double-triggering problems with my kick drum from the EXS-5 kit for a while. I changed a couple of beaters, used a real-feel head and a Dot PRO patch - it helped a lot but didn't fix the problem entirely.
Finally, pulled a plug on this super-expensive piece of glorified foam (as I thought) - and it worked!
First, it's not a simple foam - it's much softer to the touch and feels 'wet' (but it isn't) and damp. On the contrary, ATV just uses 'simple foam' - the one I removed from the kick when swapping for this one. This inlay absorbs the impact from the beater better and I can confirm that the feeling and the visual dynamics of the beater hitting the mesh head are closer to acoustic mylar heads but not 100% the same.
Anyway, this is more than enough. It saved me from buying a totally different bass drum (like Diabolo) or a new drum module (to play with mask-time or re-trigger cancel) - neither of those I really needed besides for the fix of that specific retriggering problem.
But, I still think it's overpriced;)